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Seven Tricks to Make Novocaine Wear Off Faster


Many dental procedures require numbing the mouth before treatment. Dentists use local anesthetic medication and a needle to inject it into the inner cheek or gum. 

While injecting local anesthesia, the medicine goes into the gum tissue, causing a stinging sensation. You feel a slight discomfort when the liquid enters the gum tissue. 

Numbing is an excellent way to a perfect dental procedure. The fact that we can isolate parts of the human body so they won’t feel pain is truly a miracle of modern technology. This enables us to provide the patient with the most precise and accurate dental care while making the procedure very comfortable.

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What is Novocaine?

Novocaine, or procaine, is a local anesthetic used by dentists and other healthcare professionals to numb a specific body area. It works by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses in the area where it is injected, temporarily preventing pain sensations. 

Dentist giving oral treatment to a young girl in his dental office

Novocaine’s numbing effects usually start within minutes. Its pain-relieving ability lasts about sixty to hundred twenty minutes.

While some consider Novocaine safe when used correctly, it is essential to note that there are some side effects. People with certain medical conditions should avoid this.

Before receiving Novocaine, it is important to let your dentist or healthcare provider know about your medications and any medical conditions.

How long does Novocaine last?

The duration of the effect of Novocaine depends on several factors, including the dosage used and the application method. Generally, Novocaine’s effects typically last sixty to hundred twenty minutes. However, the duration of anesthesia can vary depending on the specific situation.

Novocaine typically takes five to ten minutes to show effect, allowing the dentist to perform the necessary procedure without causing pain.

It’s important to note that Novocaine can only numb the areas it is injected into and not affect other body parts. Patients remain awake and alert during the procedure. The effects of Novocaine may wear off sooner if you maintain blood circulation in that area.

How to make Novocaine wear off quickly?

The simplest approach to pass the time as your novocaine wears off is to wait and rest. Even though this might not provide instant assistance, it can speed up the procedure. Try other tricks to cause the medication to wear off more quickly if the effect stays longer.

Here are a few things to try:

1. Walking – It’s alright to move around as long as you didn’t undergo any major oral surgery, like a wisdom tooth extraction or dental implant. Walking increases blood flow, aiding in flushing out the medicine’s effects.

Exercise is the best strategy to increase blood circulation. Ask your dentist’s permission before going for a walk, exercise, or run after receiving dental care.

2. Face massage – Take your fingertips and gently massage the side of your face in a circular pattern. Just be sure not to press too hard since you can’t feel anything. The increased blood flow can help speed up the process of the anesthetic wearing off and reduce discomfort associated with massaging the numbness. 

Massaging the face and jaw can release tension and muscle tightness, which may also contribute to numbness. Consult your healthcare provider before trying this or any other method to reduce numbness.

3. Time – Novocaine and other local anesthetics naturally wear off over time. You should be able to feel your lips and cheeks again after a few hours.

If you’ve never had dental numbing medication before, know that this process is normal. Give yourself some time, and you’ll typically start to feel your lips and cheeks again.

4. Warm compress – A warm compress can make anesthetic numbness in the mouth go away quickly. It can help to alleviate some of the discomfort associated with the numbness. 

Applying a warm compress, such as a warm washcloth or heating pad, to the area can help to increase blood. This may help reduce the numbness’s duration, but it would not eliminate it instantly.

Test it on your wrist first to ensure the temperature is right, and give yourself a break at least every twenty minutes. You should consult your dentist or oral surgeon who administered the anesthetic for proper care and advice.

5. Talk – The anesthetic medication causes numbness and typically goes away as the medication wears off. However, talking and moving the muscles in the mouth can stimulate blood flow and promote anesthetic absorption. It can help reduce the numbness’s duration. 

Moving the part of your body that’s numb will get the blood pumping in that area. Just be prepared to sound slightly funny. Consult your dentist or oral surgeon for proper care and advice.

6. Take a nap – Another best way to wear off numbness is taking a nap. If you can fit in a snooze on the couch, you’ll feel as good as new in no time. You probably feel exhausted after a dental procedure, can’t move or speak, and simply wait for the dental anesthesia to wear off. 

7. Reversal injection – Some dentists use reversal injection to eliminate anesthetic numbness in the mouth quickly. This contains a local anesthetic reversal agent, like neostigmine or glycopyrrolate. These medications block the local anesthetic’s action to stop the numbness.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of the reversal injection can vary depending on the type and amount of local anesthetic used.

Have Patience – It is advisable to wait until the effects of dental numbing or anesthesia have completely worn off before consuming a large meal or delivering a significant presence at work. Rest assured, you should feel back to your normal self soon enough.

Side effects of Novocaine

The symptoms are usually mild and short-lived. However some of the other potential side effects of local anesthesia injections include:

  • Pins and needles-like sensations (numbness or tingling)
  • Having a headache
  • dizziness
  • drowsiness
  • Muscles twitching
  • Minor injection site pain


There’s no particular answer for how long your mouth will remain numb after dental procedures. The length of the numbing sensation depends on your height, weight, and metabolism. 

Novocaine causes bruising or extended numbness, get help immediately. Allow the anesthetic to completely wear off before consuming a large meal or giving a considerable work presentation. You can consult your local dentist near your location if you’re concerned about prolonged numbness or get a dental checkup at Genuine Dental Arts.

If you’re looking for any other dental care services, book an appointment with Genuine Dental, where you can get options to finance your treatments or procedures easily.